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PEG衍生物 荧光标记 杂环砌块定制 点击化学 磷脂类 光电材料 小分子定制

Sulfo-Cy7.5 NHS ester,荧光染料

作者:PEG衍生物 发布时间:2023-03-15 09:36:12 次浏览

Sulfo-Cy7.5 NHS ester,荧光染料
Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 NHS ester菁染料,因其较好的活体组织穿透性及低毒性等特点被广泛应用于活体内体成像。瑞禧生物自主生产研发的国产菁染料有低波段的CY3/CY5/CY7和高波段的ICG吲哚菁绿,并且可以修饰像NH2, COOH, NHS, MAL等不同的官能团用于链接抗体蛋白及分子。
     Sulfo-Cy7.5 NHS ester是一种水溶性荧光染料
Sulfo-Cy7.5 NHS ester,荧光染料
Sulfo-Cy7.5 NHS ester
Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 is a near infrared water soluble and hydrophilic dye for the NIR imaging applications. The structure and spectra of the dye resemble indocyanine green (ICG) that has been approved for use in humans for years. However, unlike ICG, sulfo-Cyanine7.5 contains a trimethylene bridge that increases its quantum yield compared to ICG, and also has a linker arm for its attachment to proteins, peptides, and other molecules. This derivative is an NHS ester for the modification of amine groups.
Excitation /Emission maximum  780-800nm
外观 dark green solid
分子量 1184
溶解度 water, DMF, DMSO
质量控制 95%+
储存条件 -20℃
保存时间 1 Year
其他信息 Excitation /Emission maximum 780-800nm
Sulfo-Cy7.5 carboxylic acid
Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 is a water soluble, near infrared fluorescent dye.
This fluorophore is useful for near infrared imaging. Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 carboxylic acid contains a free carboxy group.
外观 dark green solid
分子量 1084
溶解度 good in water, DMF, DMSO
质量控制 95%+
储存条件 -20℃
保存时间 1 Year
其他信息 Excitation /Emission maximum 770-800nm
Sulfo-Cy7.5 alkyne
Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 is a near infrared, sulfonated cyanine dye with rigidized trimethylene chain.可用于无创活体生物成像,研究蛋白质在组织和器官中的分布
外观 solid
分子量 1118
溶解度 water, DMSO, DMF
质量控制 95%+
储存条件 -20℃
保存时间 1 Year
其他信息 Excitation /Emission maximum 775-800nm
Sulfo-Cy7.5 amine
外观 绿色粉末
分子量 806
溶解度 water, DMSO, DMF
质量控制 95%+
储存条件 -20℃
保存时间 1 Year
其他信息 Excitation /Emission maximum 780-810nm
Sulfo-Cy7.5 maleimide
易溶于水的活性染料   活性染料cy7.5连接磺基和马来酰亚胺
外观 powder
分子量 1122
溶解度 water, DMSO, DMF
质量控制 95%+
储存条件 -20℃
保存时间 1 Year
Sulfo-Cy7.5 azide
Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 is a heptamethyne cyanine dye for the near infrared region of the spectrum, which is very hydrophilic, and water soluble.
外观 solid
分子量 1160
溶解度 water, DMSO, DMF
质量控制 95%+
储存条件 -20℃
保存时间 1 Year
其他信息 Excitation /Emission maximum 775-800
u       价格:比进口便宜40-50%
u       品质:和进口品质一样 纯度95%+
u       技术:提供每一批次产品的核磁、HPLC图谱信息
u       售后:如遇质量达不到95%或使用体验不好 均无条件退货
u       货期:常年现货